July 1, 2016
An eye infection that can cause permanent blindness has been linked to the Zika virus, adding to the potential dangers for people traveling to Brazil and the Caribbean, ophthalmologists warn. The first case of Zika-induced uveitis — an eye infection that can cause glaucoma, cataracts and loss of vision — was reported in the New … Continue reading Uveitis Specialist Dr. Foster featured in the Boston Herald regarding 1st case of Zika-related Uveitis
March 22, 2016
Ask most people what they know about cataracts and you’ll probably hear a combination of the terms “eye problem” and “older people”—and not much else. That’s not too surprising. Roughly half of all Americans who reach age 80 will have to contend with cataracts, according the National Institutes of Health. But it’s possible to have … Continue reading Dr. Foster featured in Prevention regarding Cataracts
March 20, 2016
If you’ve ever noticed small, dust-like specks or squiggly lines floating around in your field of vision, you have eye floaters. Tons of people have them, and they’re completely normal. Most of the time, while they can be annoying, they’re also nothing to worry about. “Floaters are a normal phenomenon in the eye that happens … Continue reading Dr. Anesi talks floaters in Self Magazine